2014年5月26日上午9:00,美国南加州大学MSW项目社会工作与全球商业子项目主席Beverly Younger教授在西南财经大学温江校区颐德楼H104教室介绍了美国的企业社会工作发展。Dr. Younger served for several years in the role of Employee Assistance manager and consultant, working with both manufacturing and services businesses, including Reynolds Metals Company, Continental Bank, Bank of America, and Northern Trust Company, and others. In addition, she assisted in the development of a national campaign and a prevention model to encourage employers to address domestic violence prevention in the workplace.Her consulting work has included organizational development, facilitation, training and evaluation for public, private and governmental organizations, with an emphasis on organizational and personal empowerment.
2014年5月26日下午2:00,美国南加州大学社区组织规划与管理主席Annalisa Enrile教授在西南财经大学温江校区颐德楼H109教室讲授了美国的社区发展。Dr. Enrile, whose interest is also in transnational social work, also leads USC SSW’s Global Immersion programs and initiatives. Through these programs, she strives to help students understand how social work theory is put into practice on a global scale using hands-on skills that transfer to their work in the United States. Capstone projects, international partnerships, and cross cultural research are utilized. Dr. Enrile’s research interests and publications have focused on mental health well being for Filipino Americans and on empowerment paradigms of community development and engagement. Her current scholarly projects center on global responses to rebuilding partnerships after disasters and increasing community capacity.
2014年5月27日上午9:00,美国南加州大学Field Education的副主任和主管Marleen Wong 教授在西南财经大学温江校区颐德楼H105教室讲授了《Building the Capacity of Universities, Government Agencies and NGOs for Disaster Response and Recovery Psychological First Aid/Listen Protect Connect》。